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  • Writer's pictureCazador de Zombis

Move on, Zombies!

Have you ever stopped to think that you might be surrounded by zombies without even realizing it? Or that those around you have not noticed that they've been infected?

We have explored how the vast majority remains oblivious to the apocalypse. The zombie invasion has already happened. We were so distracted by other matters, or perhaps so concerned about the end of the world, that we failed to notice that it had all come to an end. Let's discover together the unsettling signs that give away the 21st-century zombies.

We've already pondered the real-life zombie apocalypse, how the catastrophe occurred, and described how many resist admitting it. We've explained that the transmitter of the zombie infection is not a virus, as in the movies, but lifeless ideas that devour people's brains. We've also discussed how one of the reasons the apocalypse went unnoticed is that 21st-century zombies appeared with certain modified characteristics, differentiating them from their fictional counterparts. Nonetheless, we agreed that the real-life zombies retain their essential features, and from there, we proceeded to explain some of them.

The first and most important of these is that zombies don't know they're zombies. They've lost consciousness, the ability to self-awareness and reflection, and therefore, they haven't realized that the ideas in their minds have perished. They stumble around and trip as if nothing has happened, in an obvious state of decomposition, but they don't know it. Furthermore, we discussed an unmistakable zombie symptom: fury. We explained how zombies react furiously to differences because they are allergic to error. They fear being exposed when they are wrong, which is why they react violently when someone thinks differently. They equate error with ignorance, idiocy, or malice and, thus, cannot stand the idea of being wrong. They are sore losers, throw tantrums, and have a bad temper. However, that fury is a facade, pure appearance, as in reality, zombies suffer from a deeply ingrained inferiority complex.

This complex keeps them very attentive to what others think, lest they become the subject of ridicule. Finally, we explained that due to being so concerned with people's opinions, they have lost any vestige of a sense of humor. They are very serious, take things to heart, and cannot tolerate a joke. Oh, and we also took the opportunity to share some really bad jokes we haven't recovered from yet! That's what we've accomplished so far.

However, we cannot be content with all that we've achieved. We must advance, always move forward; not rest on the laurels of our past glories. No matter the magnitude of our victories, we must continue forward. Advance!

Do you feel a certain itch, discomfort, or irritation when called to move forward? Be careful! This reaction can also be a sign of a zombie infection. Let's see what this is all about.

In various depictions of fictional zombies, such as in movies, comics, and series, we find that the undead wander the earth. This word is key: wander. They don't walk, they aren't strolling, marching, or circulating—no. They wander. To wander means to move aimlessly, without purpose or destination, without motivation, without direction. This is how the poor zombies move. They wander unhappily, staggering, crumbling, moaning, and groaning pitifully. The zombie wandering, accompanied by their characteristic grunts, is so recognizable that I'm sure any of you, dear readers, are capable of providing a faithful representation of this behavior. Are you up for the challenge? (If you're hesitant, remember not to take yourself too seriously).

Something worth noting is that another word for "wandering" is "erring." Curious, isn't it? Especially considering what we've already learned about zombies being allergic to error, and a synonym for making mistakes is also "erring." So, zombies are allergic to "erring" (making mistakes), but at the same time, they are "erring" (wandering).

So, the 21st-century zombies, like their fictional counterparts, also wander (and also moan and groan, but we'll discuss that another time). Their wandering consists of wallowing in self-pity, being unable to move forward, wandering aimlessly in their past, their mistakes, and the opinions of others. They pity themselves (and want others to do the same). They are stuck in the mire of self-perception, which is provoked by what others think. This is because, as we've seen before, a tragedy occurs in zombies: they are thoughtless egocentrics. They do nothing but think about themselves but are incapable of delving into the depths of their own consciousness. They merely splash around on the surface of their personality, making waves and splashing in the thin layer that everyone sees, judges, and opines about. They drown in appearances, preventing them from advancing into the deeper regions of their being. Whether out of fear, laziness, or complacency, they surrender to the certainty that others provide, either confirming their self-image or giving them the opportunity to throw themselves to the ground and remain stuck, immobile, wandering.

As they prefer to stay stuck on the surface, they do not exercise the main tool for moving forward, for shaking off the mud and gaining direction and purpose. We are referring to criticism, which, in the simplest sense, comes in the form of questions. Zombies hate questions because they don't provide certainty but instead introduce uncertainty. They prefer easy formulas that solve everything, from the simplest to the most complex. However, they ignore that questions, along with uncertainty (or precisely because of uncertainty), drive progress, force one to move. The certainty of answers calls for stillness, ceases the search. Questions, on the other hand, are provocations; they push, shake, and arouse. In this regard, and as a conclusion, I subscribe to what Jostein Gaarder says, who speaks much better than this humble zombie hunter:

"An answer is never worth being revered. Even if it's intelligent and correct, it should never be greeted with reverence. When you revere, you surrender. You should never surrender to an answer... An answer is always the narrow path behind you. Only a question can point the way forward."

Now, it's time for self-examination:

Do you want to know if you've been infected and are on your way to becoming a zombie? Ask questions! Ask more, ask always, ask everything! In short, ask and... Advance!

We're gaining ground, one zombie at a time.

Should we continue with the blog?

  • By all means! Don't even think about quitting! 👍

  • It's time, my friend. Cut your losses 👎

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