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  • Writer's pictureCazador de Zombis

Zombie Lies

Make no mistake, dear reader: the truth exists.

The zombie hordes will do everything in their power to convince you otherwise. They will go to unimaginable lengths to make you see that everything is relative, that evidence doesn't matter, that science is flawed, and that experts are wrong. The closer they get to making you doubt the existence and importance of truth, the closer they will be to achieving the total eradication of civilization. When truth falls into disuse, the apocalypse will be complete. Let's see what we're talking about.

Despite the obvious danger that the furious zombie masses represent for survivors, there is no doubt that in this post-apocalyptic world, the most significant threat often comes from other living beings. Let me explain: in different representations of zombies in popular culture, such as television series and movies, we can observe that the most critical crises occur when two different groups of survivors meet.

Zombies, despite being formidable, are easily overcome. After all, the undead are very limited, lacking thought, strategy, and vision. They have few resources in their favor: first, they are unbeatable; they can only be stopped with accurate blows to the head. Second, they are relentless; their fury doesn't diminish, they don't tire, they don't give up. Third, they are countless, highly numerous, forming impressively massive hordes that can include thousands of members, making it easy for them to outnumber groups of living people. But that's about it!

As an experienced zombie hunter, I can confirm to my few readers that there is not much more to fear from them. I would even dare to warn you that a solitary zombie wandering around does not pose a significant challenge to a well-rested, well-fed, and clever survivor. Furthermore, not even a small group of decaying walkers represents too much of a challenge for this hypothetical, solitary survivor. So, where is the danger? How did these dreadful creatures manage to bring down civilization, despite their limitations? Let's move forward.

The zombie horde prevailed over the living primarily due to the distrust they sowed among the ranks of survivors. As civilization as we knew it crumbled, humans became insidious and distrustful. They started to regard their fellow human beings with suspicion and behave in a sectarian manner, favoring only members of their smaller circles, regressing in social progress to the era of tribes and clans. From then on, the struggle among the living became a daily occurrence, whether for control of territory, fortified shelters, resources (food, clothing, medicine), or weapons. This is particularly interesting because at times, the zombie threat takes a back seat as if it were no more than an accident or an accessory to another more fierce battle.

While the living wage wars among themselves, the zombies prosper. The undead benefit from the enmity between the living. If I weren't a skilled zombie hunter, dear readers, I would almost assert that the non-living beings thoroughly enjoy human discord, which is impossible, considering that zombies have lost their consciousness (and I won't tire of repeating it). This happens in movies, comics, and in the real-life zombie apocalypse. Are we beginning to understand where we're going?

The 21st-century zombies will do everything in their power to sow distrust among the living, and what better way to do so than by convincing the population that truth does not exist. Of course, none of them will roam the streets proclaiming the death of truth (or who knows, worse things have been seen), but they will use ingenious stratagems to confuse.

What they will do is relativize everything. They will convince the living that experts do not exist, that ideology and thought are equivalent, that all opinions deserve the same respect. They will cloak their tricks in the mantle of equality, inviting charlatans, deceivers, and other pro-zombie creatures to the conversation, putting them on the same level as experts, scientists, specialists, and academics. They will scorn educated opinions as elitist, cryptic, inaccessible, and favor simple, more democratic answers. All of this will be done, paradoxically, in the name of peace, freedom, equality, and justice, to create suspicion about anyone who does not agree with their schemes.

The result is the post-apocalyptic scenario in which we currently find ourselves, where distrust, conspiracy theories, fake news, and "alternative facts" prevail. Zombies attack fiercely those who understand that truth is not democratic, that it is independent of opinion, ideology, and popularity. They pursue the survivors willing to expose their lies and defend the old-fashioned but always reliable truth, even if it's not trending.

So, dear zombie hunter, you now know that distrusting the living is not the way to restore civilization and overcome the zombies. Nor is it, of course, about blindly giving away our trust. What we must do is find a way to reestablish the conditions for trust among the living to flourish, using a simple proposition as the cornerstone: truth exists, and so do lies. Things, I'm afraid to say, don't always depend on the lens through which we view them. Not all opinions deserve the same respect. Living ideas are not the same as dead ideologies. Experts and specialists usually know what they're talking about, but they should be corrected if the evidence contradicts them.

We keep advancing, one zombie at a time.

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